Thursday, September 9, 2021

Morning to all deranged

 There are never enough ‘ifs’ when inserting tapered Klingon translators. Happens that they just “can’t find their proverbial lever 3000 chip masher”, which is an involuntary cop-out propagated amidst stationary media  torn out by nobody the wiser: Crayon fiend of impotent steer trickers. Musing beyond what referees can’t possibly entertain, the arrival of cents and collars brew mightily by the wayside... which arguably is the greatest but least calcified retainer for ill-adjusted Canada cements. I’m talking big-time, okay, Renata? I’ve seen what happens when the B12 hits your flood cream , and 15 minutes ain’t no lie - baby bye, bye, bye... Conclusion? Cut the sanctimony and order the ice cream or this ship in a bottle will have found its corridor among the stars, stripes, and cerumen.

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