Thursday, June 7, 2007

The imperative sanction to dispose of the binoculars

It cannot. Simple may be the vernacular of Guanine's cousin, cytosine, but the congressional juggernaut Bill Paxton still disagrees quite vehemently. NASA. Pendulum? Foresee the coming halifax vestibule... THEN talk to me. THEN. Bask in the light of jubilance! I made 45 Xerox copies already, Uncle Seth. Stop pestering me for my honeycomb! Anyways, as I made my way through chapter 6, the most dangerous part of Chicago's downtown area, I screeched 103 times, to only incoherently screech one last time. I then was enveloped by a massive Molasses bubble. To escape from this bubble I pulled out my Ocarina and played Zelda's Lullaby. I was safe - no more wolverines were playing poker and laughing at my left nostril's overgrowth of hair. Pillowcases! Unite , for the time in which Dog hair is non-threatening to Ape lungs is soon over! Please insert 25 cents to continue.