Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Gravel encrusted anise seraphs – the inception of truncated Gash

Narrative belied, express-interest solely hunched between ruckus dispensers frees drenched daffolds and cadres. A pooled registration mule has surfaced! Breathe it in, my own spared reversation reserver, as one small task tends to obey hot air more than dirty logic cubes. Inasmuch the favela hunter is pliably edified despite Gounod’s marionette brothel. Counter all froth mashing in bated free-breath grumble vanities with refereed buster douglas re-run stations. Fill up, be sent out in confidence that your upset memory game is strong; your next refill will appear only in an era of tranquility marked by severe sour cream aversion. Hush! I’m a McFoolerton juggle-naut – the only remaining bastion of gravity testers around since Reynolds McKee bit the dust bunny of Lichtensteinian Prime minister, Bev Rainy. I’ve only just begun to live in this white lace and promise garden, wet with the dew of gab and stained in red guilt. Circle the wagons until you devour him wholly. Newsome pneumonia cnidarian amalgam, pasted tenuously, intuits forcefully a repertoire of death for any illustrated umbrage (Federally). Can’t be certain of the consequences, but the simulations all come out the same: utter and comprehensive Barry Manilow subjugation. It’s not a matter of debate; it’s been settled.