Friday, January 27, 2017

It's storytime, Richard.

It's storytime, Richard. We're ready, Richard. Times have changed, Richard. Are you still aching from all the sitting during the half time garage light superbowl show? Used to be my favorite and least expected imposition, now it's kind of making its way to floor eleven, where the children seek to.... mMmM-ELIMINATED! Or...once in a while THAT pain Richard gets in his lower back some nights. I can't vouch. Word on the street says it's not only legit, but the neck boil produces REAL pus. Not going to contest the weepers. There's already been enough emotion running through the bottle scrapers; I'll leave this up to the del Homme judges and they'll decide which electrode to denounce and which check to elevate to legendary status come Threevember. Over and out, church bells have sounded - you know that means we've gone too late - and - I'm overdue for stellar fungo practice. Isthmus backed in turmoil.

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