Saturday, February 2, 2008

In spite, prego , casket, positron

Let's all raise our hands and praise the bands that made nights of Jubilee come to be; lets all jump to the conclusion that Garrett Atkinson forget his car keys at his last Seance. I can perform a marriage ceremony for the butane cheez- its if and only if Garrett finds his way through the mire of Zaxby's waste products so we have nothing to sweat. Good enough for you? No? Fine, just find a common thread that links each squandered peso in argentina. Wheat; poke. Loop - haste.

Bernard the plastic lawnmower

And through the night the boys would find that it would only lose its mind so effort had become so futile. Fui a la supermercado. Remember when we'd go to the deli and get those awesome chips - hunk of junk right...? i mean they would slice a carrot that had been in the freezer for a day. Rikki tikki tavi shouldnt be picked on i mean bungalows arent that bad of places to dwell. How much money do you need to live , you know? ,...but the plot of land. Flip it . we'll make some kind of money. Just stop nullifying each and every attempt and get behind the bill. Utah doesnt matter today didnt matter yesterday and after this new thing we got goin tomorrow won't even be a question.It wouldn't cut the grass it would just ride over the grass. well, yea sometimes it would flatten it and leave tire marks but its not like thats impressive you know. Well then, escape. Nothing is stopping you man- just the foreboding sense of responsibility associated with Hank Durango and the road (I-46 off of nebraska). Hes afraid of numchucks so jus keepem handy. hey but it made that sound you know like when a boat engine is stopping ?yea thats the one. Fib to it. It doesnt know the deceit or malice so carry on my wayword son. Just go to bed?Wheelin the chair for algernon isnt so bad if you can handle bad smells. Just get him some flowers and tell him everything will end up alright, because it will; i dont want to go to bed guitar hero is on and I hear Call of duty aint bad so why not?
Due to popular demand, the fingers have yet again found within them a desire to change the world with words of wisdom. Typing alas is more than typing. Words are then more than words - and mind you each word has a "purpose"... if you can even give it such lamen's terminology. "Purpose" is but a mere iota of it all; it is only a glimpse of a realmed universe of which has the depth equivalent to our physical cosmos we call "space". Purpose, in continuation, is but a shred of the infinite veracity that should be automatically assumed before, during, and after reading these heavy doses of sage. Hit the lights, Tommy. You know you wanted the Pink ranger the whole time. Stop killing the puddies. She is beautiful!