Monday, October 11, 2010


Oh, and in compilation shall we
This is: my -.. heinous - albeit large.... point of view BUT!
Charred melancholy hoop earring ; mauling all that hear IF!
comes.. to
And digression ]

wholly mine

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hurdle factory

Chaperone, my chaperone... Re: What is and what is not Kosher. I mean, temporarily forgetting Charlemagne necessitates bereaved bedwetting so poor conductors aren't the best catalyst for criss-cross opulence distributors. NO, this is the LAST time I will throttle the chromatin inception.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Athens doxology

Where do you find your inspiration? Where don't you lose your absentmindedness? Why haven't you brazenly set your face as flint, forgoing trellises whilst fixing brass fasteners to irreplaceable cowboy memorabilia. It's the grand opening of hogwash alley; Pier One imports has closed its doors forever and must rely on a new wave of waffle leaders to truly exemplify and exude exultations of exuberance, except effortlessly, ergo exercising extraneous exponential errands. Threefold, bearing heavily upon shoulder caverns, gumbo jailbird flasks levitating without appeasement or abashment, chuckling all the way down to the bank where its raining down a racemic mixture of ash and dish soap.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chrome fallacy

Intrepid fret flirters squirting fertilized hallucinogens near the docking port of hilltop quotients, lucrative federal income tax evasion squadrons retreat to all-to-familiar properties of greta van susteren. Chips and salsa mind you , turn from your evil ways and realize your faulty premise of danube ice cream. No inhibitions precede your prohibited proton program, pretty practical prawn pricked prussians prove that prada prunes predators. Of course. I don't assume such inconsistencies. I just point them out when facetious quark busters milk nub chucker shekels. LOL, I mean what do you expect when you only invest 10 hours into your profile.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pilm me I'm limp, emulsifying surfactant butter-upping one-upping hipster; self-righteous vacillating cretin eater

If you are able to read this, I applaud your patience. Cullen Bear, oh cullen bear, where are you. Iwant to eat you. That is okay, I had tea already and I don't even have a penchant for drip drip here we go now to the loop stilts. Reinstated war mongers thresholding their way through the easiest labyrinth of all: Mickey Tettleton's coffin. Aghast, and at last atlas armed arbitrarily amongst asp anglers... another agrarian afterthought addresses an ardent artisan. KOOL NEWPORT MARLBRO VIRGINIA SLIMS AND . death. Braille. Figure it out.


Basduna fercertyump credrexum wa tu Yilla vusa xero poonbuchan, Basduna cred wa xero poon la Burtersoppenzad. vcazuwalp fecawtnap vi zwoppen greshtucb? Hrefpombutten! Sxutypquast! (Bnerbungretensp)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome aboard the Bane Train - Riddle for the ages

I go places. I see them all. All but one place that I had seen had been seen by all. Most never stopped but all paused. Each person took the same amount of time to cross but some still walked at different paces. Spaces between each person never exceeded 10 feet, but fathom this: 1.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667. Where is the one place? "I know! I know! " The macaroni interjected. Thespian crunchwrap connoisseur: press on, press on , never give up, always surrender, never retreat.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Treadstone thriller

  • Aye. Aggressive agreement after agrarian agitators asphyxiates agile and autistic auctioneers. Additional air and aeronautics auditors aerate abscessed ash axes... AAArrrgh another antler abstaining and allocating... Mush , stop. Irritants they are; since fritter critters expired, i haven't been able to find the time to study for my B.U.N.T. exam - which covers the strenuous Breadwinning Under Nextopian Timesharing tactics... heh like you actually voted independent

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Oh Angstrom messenger, cascade down this heavy sorrow objectification of ice emotions.

Gasoline means vasoline minus the itching charleston dances, fueling but never dueling varied forces of evil: Stories are 10 feet, but 10 feet under is too far to dig. Six is enough but Klingons need more. Take your haj and let it be , all for you and for your glory , take my celery and let it be yours . "Oh, I found the hamper full of clothes... but it didn't deter me. Mis- nomenclatured, I suppose" Is my favorite Dirge. Shrieking lichtenstein where are you, i will have found gretel and her pretzel ; bianca hetzel sports frocks laden in nacho queso.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ghetto liquidation sale - Everything ends with something $ 88.88!!!

I found solace in this:

my yoke is tied to farrah faucet. my faucet doesnt work. Work shall set you free. Free is not a word socialists use. Use and abuse. Abuse the power and you take a shower. Shower the people you know with love, and you will find fourteen times that sickle cell anemia is unavoidable. Spread your wings and fly away. Away we go with trite malapropisms juxtaposed with feigned cannibalism.

So saddle up and lets ride... into the ferrocious great divide... and we'll ingest copper chloride til we are warm and rancid inside... nullify my garbage can... and try to make some rummage span, the time it takes to drive our van , to work , coldstones, and back again.